Saturday, August 19, 2006

DNC: Presidential Primary Rules & Online Voting ...

Much of this talk about rule changes in the Democratic party reflect a growing sense that the donkeys will retake Congress in November and reign White House supreme come 2008. There's the emerging anxiety over the House Democractic Caucus changing Committee chair rules and thereby cutting the leveraging legs from beneath the CBC. And then there is this ongoing, internal party debate over the Dems' Presidential primary schedule, which described ("Democrats & The Presidential Primary Process,") quite some time ago as inherently slanted and elitist, if not outright racist and outdated.

Based on the attached report from the Washington Post, we are quite pleased that somebody was listening and appreciate DNC activist Donna Brazile's no-holds-barred assault on that antiquated and rather lily White primary schedule.

With respect to another outstanding issue, the Post notes:

Looking to broaden primary voting participation, the committee also voted to encourage state parties to provide for Internet voting. Some questioned whether such a step could further disenfranchise the poor and minorities, who have more limited access to computers. "Because of the ongoing digital divide, we're going to continue to monitor how that's implemented," said Brazile

However, this blog doesn't know how long the left can maintain that argument given the rapid advancement and pervasiveness of technology in the 21st century. Computer power doubles every month and at the rate we're transitioning into a cashless society, we're not so certain this point will hold much weight over the next decade. In pursuit of closing the "Digital Divide," the African American political community is also caught between wanting respect for a burgeoning Black professional/middle class and promoting sympathy for an entrenched Black underclass. Perhaps it will be more progressive to place greater focus on how disadvantaged communities adapt to the information age. Technology won't wait up for us to catch up.